Monday, June 15, 2009

Is summer ever going to come?

I think everyone in Idaho is asking themselves the same question. Is summer ever going to come? It has rained here everyday in the month of June. This weeks forecast has rain for the whole next week. I am grateful for the moisture... but it is killing my flowers and it nearly flooded our house yesterday. We had a horrible rain storm yesterday ... and because the storm drain is in front of our house, all of the water runs down the street and toward our house. It rained so hard that the storm drain could not keep up with the amount of water trying to go down. We had water half way up our driveway and in our grass. The sidewalk was completely submersed. We literally had a lake in front of our house. We got some rain in our basement because the window well was full of water and it seeped through the window. I don't know about everyone else... but I am ready for some sunny days.

I finally took some pictures of our yard. Everything is very green needless to say. My flowers are not looking so great... but my ferns on the other hand have never looked better. They love this cool, wet weather. Jesse and I have been working hard trying to get the yard whipped into shape. It is always quite a task to get everything looking good after a long winter. Our backyard is finally ready for summer... now we just need some summer weather to get ready for B-B-Q season.


Browning Buzz said...

Your yard looks really nice! I can tell you work hard in it!

susie said...

Your yard looks great..but your right, I'm so sick of this rain. It sounds like we are doing the same thing, both trying to get our yards looking nice.