Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fun in the snow!

It has finally started snowing here again. We haven't had any new snow since Christmas time. It had melted a lot... in fact the roads were completely dry! I have to admit that I am already ready for spring. I even went for an early morning run outside last week. It was pretty warm ( 18 degrees ) and the roads were dry, except for a few ice patches here and there. It felt really good to run a few miles outside, I decided I would go on Friday too... but when I woke up it was snowing and it hasn't stopped since. Just when I thought we were going to have an early spring ( wishful thinking I know), it starts snowing again. Oh well. The boys loved it and built 3 snowmen on Saturday. They had a ball. I loved watching them outside in all of their snow gear. They have been dying to just get outside and run. That is the bad thing about winter in Idaho. The kids are cooped up inside for months. Snow or sunshine, the kids just love to be outside. I guess I should let them out of the house more often in the winter, but I am one of those Mom's that is constantly worried about them being out in the cold and getting sick. I know there are places like Leo's and Blast Off, but I have to admit, I am a total germ-a-phobe and I hate those places. They just gross me out! I just know that if I take them there they are going to come home with stomach flu, pink eye or some other terrible illness. I need to be creative and think of other ways to let them get their energy out in the winter. Any secrets I should know about? I would love some suggestions.


Steph said...

I'm like you--ready for Spring and a germ-a-phobe. I wish I had some fun energy draining activities, but I don't. I'll be checking back to see if anyone else does, though.

Bon said...

You are such a fabulous mom. I hear ya on the "Germ-a-phobe". Whenever I have a day a need to relax, I let my kids build forts. I take the bar stools downstairs and a handful of blankets. It captivates them forever. Or I let them take my bread loaf pans outside and pack them w/ snow and build a fort! Something a little different. Hope they help!:)

Holly said...

That makes me laugh, I hate Blast Off and I don't think I've ever even taken my kids to play at any disgusting ball pit! :) I like Bonnie's ideas! Hopefully the snow will all melt as fast as it came!

Sommer and Chris said...

Hey! I saw your post on Facebook but I'm still trying to figure that I thought I would leave ou a comment on your blog instead. We are living in Ucon..I really like it out here. (So far away..j/k) My blog is private now so send me an email to and I will give you an invite!

paula said...

Hey there! I sent you an invite to my blog so you should have it in your inbox. Your blog is cute and your little boys....are SO big now. Where did the time go?

Kristin said...

Hey woman!! How are you? I'm so glad we found each other. I always wonder what you're up to. How's the old neighborhood? You look freakin fabulous! And your kids are getting so big and adorable!! We live in I.F. We have an amzing ward. It gets a little crazy though cuz there are tons of kids.{5 nurseries} Anyway, Josh is the Vice Prez at Netmark Essentials here in town and loves it. How are you guys doing?

Skinner Family said...

seriously come visit me anytime!!!! i would love that! next time i am in idaho we will have to meet up!

Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

Your little boys are so cute!! What a cute family. Looks like you had a great time in Vegas-tell your mom hi for me.

Sha Jenkins Nielson

Natalie♥ said...

O look how cute that is!!! I love how Grandma is behind the snowman :) Looks like your boys all had tons of fun, cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

Your little boys are so dang cute!!! Looks like they weren't the only ones having the time of there lives....Grandma lookes like she could be a kid herself!!!;) I just love when grandparents get down and dirty playing with there grandkids.