A couple of my friends have done this cute little tag about their first born. This is for my first born Broc...
1.Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? The bathroom in our apartment.
2.Who was with you? No one.
3.How did you find out that you were pregnant? The wonderful invention of the "Clear Blue Easy"
4.What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? I was ecstatic! I was probably doing the happy squeal.
5.Who was the first person you told?Jesse
6.Did you plan to get pregnant? Yes!! We had been trying for about 6 months.
7.Did you tell everyone else right away? We told everyone right away. I was 10 weeks when I found out I was pregnant.
8.Was everybody happy for you? I think so.
9.Did you go out and celebrate? We went to both of our parents houses to break the news.
10.Did you want to find out the sex?Yes! Especially with our first. I thought it was a girl, Jesse thought it was a boy... and you can see who was right.
12.Did anyone throw you a baby shower? yes. I had a huge shower. It took 3 trips to get all of the stuff back to my house.
13.Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew that you wouldn't put on your baby? Yes I did. Sad... but true.
14.How much weight did you gain? 65 LBS. Disgusting I know.
15.Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? Yes. All of it plus some... then I got prego with #2. That is a whole different story.
16.Did you get any stretch marks? Yes... lots.
17.What did you crave the most? Taco Bell, Reeses Ice Cream Bars and Caffine Free Pepsi. Hence the 65 pounds. ;0)
18.Did you crave anything crazy?Not really.
19.Who or what got on your nerves? I have to be honest there was one person... Jesse and I know who I am talking about.
20.Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? I developed Toxemia in the last trimester.
21.Where and when did you go into labor? They induced labor at Madison Memorial Hospital.
22.Did your water break? Not on its own. They broke it at the hospital.
23.Who drove you to the hospital? Jesse
24.Who was in the room when you gave birth? Besides the usual hospital staff, just Jesse and my Mom.
25.Did you go early or late? They induced me exactly a week early.
26.How long were in labor for? I started having contractions at about 9:00 AM and he was born at 2:34 PM. Not to bad for a first timer.
27.Did you have any drugs for the pain? I had an epidrual... but it didn't really work. It just took the edge off a little. I still felt everything. Ouch!
28.Did you go natural or have a C-section? Natural
29.What was your first reaction after giving birth? I couldn't believe that we were parents and that we had made this perfect, sweet little baby boy. That is a moment I will never forget. Life is wonderful.
30.How big was the baby? 7 lbs 2 oz, 19 inches long.
31.Did your husband cry? - He got teary eyed. You just cant help that
32.What did you name the baby? Broc McNamara Packer
33.Does her name have any significant meaning? Jesse and I both really liked the name Broc... but McNamara is Jesse's Mom's maiden name. She does not have any brothers, so they have carried the name on by using it as a middle name for their own children... and now Grandchildren.
34.Did you have any visitors? of course. Friends and family.
35.Did the baby have any complications? Not really. His blood sugar got kind of low so they gave him a bottle of formula in the nursery and after that he refused to breast feed. Little stinker, doesn't he know how expensive formula is???
36.How old is your baby today? He will be 7 in April.
37.When is the next one coming? He has a little brother named Brady who is 4. I don't think there will be anymore sweet little spirits coming to this house. The doctor told me it wasn't a good idea. I guess only time will tell.
38.If you could, would you do it all over again? ABSOLUTLEY! WITHOUT A DOUBT! MY BOYS ARE THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME!
TAG: All mommies! Lets see your answers.
Happy 1st Birthday to Creighton!
10 years ago
I love reading these! I can tell what an exciting time it was for you! It is so special to have these memories of our children and the bond we share with them!:)
Cute!!! Brent and I are in the Primary so I dont know everyone in the ward. Tell them to introduce themselves!!!! It is crazy how small the world can seem. I am friends with a girl that her husband and Nancy's husband went to dental school together. Pretty crazy!!!
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