I don't know how this happened? How in the world has 4 years gone by since I had my last baby? Life seems to pass by so quickly. We celebrated Brady's 4th birthday today. I have to admit it was a little bittersweet. It makes me so sad to think that those days are gone forever. He isn't a baby anymore. He isn't even a toddler. He is a little boy. Although it makes me sad that my baby is growing up... I am so grateful that he is a happy and healthy 4 year old. I miss those days that are gone forever, but I will always cherish those memories and I look forward to the memories that are to come in the future. Like I tell Brady, " he will always be my baby!" Even when he is 60 years old, he will still be my baby. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent me such a sweet little spirit. I am so blessed to be his mom. I love that little boy so much. So Brady.... Happy Birthday. We love you!
Happy 1st Birthday to Creighton!
10 years ago
Amen. I feel those same bittersweet emotions as my kids get a year old. Can't we just invent a pill to make them stay the same age? HA! He is such a handsome guy and looks like he had a great birthday!
4?! They grow up WAY to fast! He's sure a handsome little dude! :)
Too cute! I know what you mean...Trevor will be 3 in March and it makes me so sad to think my BABY has grown up so fast! Where does the time go? Funny...a couple weeks ago I was looking at your blog and Trevor walked up and said "mom, that's me!" He thought that the picture of Brady was him...they actually look quite similar!
I already feel sad thinking about MY baby Brady growing up, and he's only 2 months! Watching them grow is bittersweet. I'm sorry to say that we returned back to TX on Christmas day because Ryan had to work. Short trip. We would have LOVED to see you guys! Next time, though. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Oh ashley he is adorable. a cute little boy indeed!!! i love to see old friends and their kids. My kaitlin turns 6 friday and it makes me sad....and happy to see her grow.
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