Thursday, November 18, 2010

First Day of School 2011

Holy Moly! I can't believe how quickly this summer flew by. It was definitely a very eventful summer with the move and all. Broc and Brady both started school in mid August. Broc is in the 3rd grade and Brady started Kindergarten. Kindergarten is full day, 5 days a week, so Brady and Broc both have the same schedule. Broc's teacher is Ms. Sheibel and Brady's teacher is Ms. Newton. We had the chance to meet them both the evening before the first day of school. We liked both teachers very much and are looking forward to a great school year.

Their school is brand new this year. It is absolutely beautiful! They boys are excited about the huge gym, music room, art room and multiple computer labs and library. We have been really impressed with the school system in South Carolina so far. Broc was really excited that he gets to ride the bus this year. He has never ridden the bus before, so to him this is soooo cool! Brady was pretty excited too. He was nervous, but Broc offered to walk him to class every morning until he got the hang of things.

The boys have been off to a great start with school and are both doing great. Their teachers are wonderful, the principle has been great and the school nurse is amazing. We are so grateful for the opportunity the boys have been given to go to such a fantastic school.

Both boys did great their first day. They were both a little but nervous, but mostly excited to meet new friends. They didn't shed a tear... I on the other hand wasn't so lucky! It was sad for Jesse and I to have both of our boys at school all day long. It is a little strange not having kids at home during the day anymore, but I am glad that they are enjoying school and learning so much.

1 comment:

Shannon Dooley said...

They are so stinkin' cute & well dressed! :) I can't imagine what it would be like to have a quiet house during the day. I would cry to!