Monday, June 15, 2009

Brady's pre-school graduation

Brady graduated from his first year of pre-school the end of May. He really loved is teacher, Onda Kay, and learned a lot. The interaction with other children his age was really good for him. He still has one more year of pre-school before he starts Kindergarden. That is good, because that means one more year that I have my baby boy home with me. He is excited to spend the summer home with me and Broc... but he is constantly asking when he gets to go back to pre-school. Next year he will attend pre-school 3 days a week. He is very excited because his friend Parker will be in his class. They will have so much fun together. Brady is such a good boy and is learning so much. We sure do love him!

1 comment:

susie said...

What big boys..It's been so long. Trin will be 9 in August and Zoe will be 6, where does the time go?