Saturday, March 21, 2009


I was so excited that today I completed my first 10K. I wont tell you what place we finished in... or how long it took, but the important thing is that I finished without walking a single time. It felt like a pretty big accomplishment. It really just makes me want to train harder and go further. So my next big goal is to run a half marathon this summer and possibly a full marathon by this fall... but we will have to see. We might save the full marathon for next year.

I am excited about my new running addiction! I have been running faithfully about 5 days a week since August of last year ( I did slack off for a few weeks during the holidays. You all know how that time of year is). I am finally to the point where I really enjoy it. I find that the days that I don't get up at 6:30 for a run I am a little more grumpy, usually get a headache and am way more tired. It is the perfect start to my day, and sometimes end to my night. I am finally starting to shed the pounds and hope that I will reach my goal weight this year.

I have also developed some really great friendships! Kendra and I started this together last August and have worked really hard to get where we are. Thanks Kendra! She is the best friend and running buddy. I am so greatful for her. Nicole has joined our little running group recently and we are loving having her. She is also a great friend and always has me laughing. She actually ran the 10K with me today (we missed you Kendra!). It has been so fun to really get to know these great girls and reach these goals together.

Enough about me. I was just really excited about completing one of my goals. That is always a good feeling. Next goal... The Dam half marathon. Come on girls... are you in?


Steph said...

Wow, I'd say it's a big accomplishment just to finish--let alone to finish without walking!!! Awesome. I wish I could actually enjoy running. What must that be like. Great job!

Browning Buzz said...

Way to go Ashley! I need to start training for a marathon or something - especially since the weather is getting warmer! You are an inspiration!!!

JDD said...

You go girl!!! You look FABULOUS!!

JDD said...

This is Kristin Dalton..I'm signed in under Josh's name, so don't worry it's not a crazy person:)

Holly said...

You rock girl!!! :)

Bon said...

You go girl! I am so proud of you. I chicken out thinking of marathons. But it is motivating to hear people who do them! Thanks! Hope you had super fun in Vegas too!

Bryn said...

You girls are freaking awesome! Wish I had your stamina!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!!! Congrats on finishing the race....and w/out even walking!!! And look great!!!

Judy said...

that is awesome and quite an accomplishment

Skinner Family said...

Thats awesome congrats!!!! I can't wait to start running again. if you decide to do a marathon or half marathon you should look into the big one they hold down here in november!. look up st. george marathon. Its a huge thing, people qualify for the boston marthon here. I hope to try it next year. I will probably do some 5ks and 10ks in the fall again. I felt the same way starting my day with a good run!!! you are awesome to be so dedicated.

Natalie♥ said...

You are so dedicated and should be so proud of yourself! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh girl! You are amazing! WTG!

Shannon (Jefferson) Dooley