Broc had the opportunity to go hunting with my Dad and my Grandpa. He was so excited and it made him feel so grown up. He kept telling Brady, " You aren't old enough. You can go when you are 6 like me." He was the most excited about riding on horses into hunting camp. Broc loves to ride Foxy. She is the best horse. They left on a Friday afternoon, so Broc got to leave school early. He helped me pack his things and then we were off to Grandpa's house. They rode about 3 miles into hunting camp. Broc was so excited to sleep in the tent and eat "hunting food". They got up early and went to look for wildlife with the new binoculars that Grandpa gave him. He had so much fun. When he got home he looked like he had been living in the mountains for a month. Lets just say we had to give the tub a very good cleaning after he was done with his bath. I am so greatful that my boys will have such good memories with the people that matter most to us.
Happy 1st Birthday to Creighton!
10 years ago
Ash, Thanks for leaving a comment. I love hearing from people I haven't seen in FOREVER, (it feels) You family is cute. Two boys, you're lucky! I hope I get another one, girls are hard work and bratty. Although I wouldn't trade them for anything. Keep in touch I'll add you to my blog. :O)
Oh look at those two! I can't wait until Braxton gets old enough to go out hunting and riding with his dad & grandpa. :) So cute Ash! It's so fun getting to see your CUTE family and what you are all up to on the blog! :) LOVE it!!
Ashlee, Thank you so much for leaving me a comment. I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering what you have been up to. I would love to send you an invite to my blog but I would need to to email me your em address if you wouldn't mind. I will also be adding you to my blog so that I can keep up on whats new w/ the Packers!!! Your little boys are so darn cute ;)!!!
My email address is
Hi Ashlee! How are you? Your boys are so stinkin cute! I love boys! It is great to hear from you. I love the blog thing, its a great way to keep in touch. Take care!
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