Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Does anyone else ever get really excited when the UPS man pulls up in your driveway? I don't care much for the mail lady, because all that we really ever get in the mail is bills. The UPS man on the other hand is different. When he pulls up it is usually some special delivery, surprise from some beloved friend or family member or even something that you ordered from the internet and have been anticipating its arrival. Well today the UPS man pulled up. I wasn't expecting anything... so, I could not imagine what it could be. To my surprise the package was from the Hershey company. I love chocolate so I knew this was really going to be something special. To my surprise it was a gift from one of the patients that I have worked with that currently has breast cancer. She sent me two huge boxes of deliciousness! One was a 10X10 piece of solid milk chocolate that she had personalized to say, "Thanks for all that you do" and the other was a tower of Hershey tins filled with pure heaven.

It was so nice to feel so appreciated by this woman. This woman is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She is currently fighting breast cancer and preparing for her double mastectomy and reconstruction. She has so much on her mind and so much she is preparing for. I can't imagine fighting breast cancer and still taking the time to tell some "little office girl" Thanks! This was definitely not expected, but very appreciated. What a nice (and tasty) gesture This gesture makes me appreciate the small things in life and makes me want to take the time to tell the people in my life thank you. I am so thankful for my wonderful family and for their health.